Greens say Coalition naysayers should stop blocking Australia’s electric vehicle future


The Turnbull Government needs to get its house in order and drive Australia’s electric vehicle future, or risk being left behind the rest of the world, say the Australian Greens.

“Australia is a global laggard when it comes to low-pollution transport, and it’s time for real action to drive the uptake of electric vehicles”, said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.

“Forward-looking countries like Norway, the Netherlands and India are aiming for 100% of new car sales being electric by 2030, while Turnbull government MPs bicker about the need for policy action on clean cars,” said Senator Janet Rice,

“The government is asleep at the wheel, doing little to support electric vehicles, even while business leaders such as Sanjeev Gupta are potentially willing to invest in electric vehicle manufacturing in Australia.”

“Minister Josh Frydenberg talks big on electric vehicles, but without a timeframe for legislating strict vehicle emissions standards to require car makers to reduce pollution, and with no incentives in sight for consumers or retailers to get EVs out the door, our transport pollution continues to skyrocket.”

“Without strong vehicle emissions standards, Australia also risks becoming a dumping ground for the highest polluting car models in the global market.”

“Instead what’s needed is smart policy to drive Australia into a renewables-powered electric vehicle future.”

“It’s time for the Minister to get us on track, and show those pulling the handbrake within the Coalition that we can be a global leader in clean, smart transport policy.”

Media Release Transport and Infrastructure