Greens set out five steps to republic by 2020


Greens Leader Richard Di Natale is marking the Queen's Birthday by setting out a 5-step path to allowing Australians to serve as our own heads of state.
"We are a mature, independent, confident nation and it's time to stand on our own two feet " Senator Di Natale said.
"It's on days like today that many Australians remember the failed republic referendum of 1999. The Greens have a clear plan to ensure history doesn't repeat itself.
"A grassroots process involving citizens forums, online and in person, would start next year. A citizen's jury, a plebiscite, and a national convention would follow, culminating in a referendum at the 2019 election.
"Public participation has to be at the core of the entire process, not just in the final vote. The Greens' plan will fund a consultative, democratic process involving everyday Australians and organisations from around the country.
"The Parliamentary Budget Office has costed the citizens forums, national jury of citizens and national convention at $5 million. A plebiscite on the threshold question of whether Australia should become a republic is estimated to cost $160 million based on other plebiscite proposals in the 2016 budget.
"With all three federal political leaders in favour of a republic, and with the state and territory leaders declaring their support, there's never been a better time to set out a path to success.
"Malcolm Turnbull pulled back from the absurdity of knights and dames, but clearly lacks the courage to stand up to the monarchists in his party.
"The last thing Australia needs is another Prime Minister who lacks the courage of their convictions. The Greens have a vision to move Australia towards a republic that Australians can be proud of."
The Greens propose:· Step 1: using a combination of on-line and in-person citizen forums in every state and territory to discuss the range of views on the threshold question of moving to a republic and to explore a range of possible models;
· Step 2: a national jury of citizens to address the threshold question and models for a republic informed by the state and territory discussions;
· Step 3: a plebiscite to address the threshold question;
· Step 4: a national convention on the republic to work on technical aspects of constitutional amendments following the outcome of the plebiscite; and
· Step 5: a referendum to formally put a proposal for a constitutional change to the Australian people.

Policy Initiative: Towards a Republic