Greens slam homophobic slurs by Liberal MP Bernie Finn


Greens slam Liberal MP Bernie Finn’s comments regarding the Safe School Program as homophobic and transphobic, and call on the Liberals to clarify there stance on his statement.

“I call on the Liberal Party to clarify whether they stand by the statement of Bernie Finn, and whether his views reflect that of the party,” said Victorian Greens Spokesperson for LGBTI Equality, Sam Hibbins.

“His comments were homophobic and transphobic, and a complete misrepresentation of the program.”

“It’s attitudes like Bernie Finn’s that contribute to the high levels of stress, depression and suicide amongst LGBTI young people. He should be ashamed.”

“Bernie Finn’s behaviour in parliament was appalling, calling people Nazis and making such inflammatory offensive remarks is totally unacceptable.”

“Loving our children is about accepting who they are, supporting them and protecting them from harm. This is what the program is all about,” said Mr Hibbins.

TRANSCRIPT – HANSARD 8 March 2016, Legislative Council:

Safe Schools program 

Mr FINN (Western Metropolitan)—I stand in this house today as a father representing parents all over the state. I have a message for the Andrews government, and I hope it will listen. The parents of Victoria do not want our sons to be taught how to tuck their penises. We do not want our daughters taught how to bind their breasts. We do not want our children being taught to question their gender. The parents of Victoria do not want their children prematurely sexualised. We want our kids left alone to be kids. We want childhood protected and the innocence of our children respected. 

What we do not want is to be branded as bigots because we love our kids. What we do not want is millions of our dollars being spent exposing our children to concepts and thoughts that threaten their normal development. What we do not want is our role as parents usurped by programs based in radical social engineering. What we want is for this and other governments around Australia, particularly the federal government, to scrap the so-called Safe Schools program, and we want it scrapped now. 

Honourable members interjecting. 

Mr FINN—Sorry, the Nazis are in town. 

Ms Hartland—On a point of order, Acting President Elasmar, we were just referred to as ‘the Nazis in town’, and I would ask Mr Finn to withdraw that comment. 

Mr Dalidakis—On the point of order, Acting President, I share Ms Hartland’s concern. I believe the comment was made to all of us. Obviously everyone is well aware of my family dying during the Holocaust, and, being Jewish, it is highly offensive. I suggest that Mr Finn withdraw unreservedly. 

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! I believe Mr Finn’s comment was unparliamentary. 

Mr FINN—Well, yes, it probably was unparliamentary, and I withdraw it on that basis. But I also suggest—— 

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! Mr Finn knows the procedure. 

Ms Shing interjected. 

Mr FINN—She’s a disgrace. 

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! I ask Mr Finn to withdraw. 

Mr FINN—I withdraw. 

Ms Shing—On a point of order, Acting President, was that withdrawal directed to me, given that Mr Finn pointed his finger at me and said I was a disgrace? 

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! That is right; that is what was withdrawn. 

Ms Shing—And was that on the basis that it was a homophobic slur? 

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! A withdrawal was made, and that is the end of the story.

Safe Schools program

Ms HARTLAND (Western Metropolitan)—I would like to talk about the Safe Schools program today. I am in my late 50s. I remember a time when, if you were gay in primary or high school, it was standard practice to take you behind the shelter sheds and beat you. For people who are transgender, this was an impossible situation. These people have struggled all their lives. I have several friends who have transitioned in their adult lives and have seen the amount of pain and suffering that occurred because of that. What I see in the Safe Schools program is a place where young people can actually understand who and what they are and do so in safety.

I do not believe that the Liberal Party actually supports the incredibly homophobic and anti-transgender statement that we just heard from Mr Finn, but it would be really good if the Liberal Party could clarify what its position is——

Mr Finn—On a point of order, Acting President, Ms Hartland has just made a statement——

Mr Dalidakis—A statement of fact.

Mr Finn—You are a boofhead; you are a fair dinkum boofhead. That minister, fair dinkum, is a moron; he really is a moron.

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! What is Mr Finn’s point of order?

Mr Finn—The point of order is that Ms Hartland has directed unparliamentary words towards me to describe me, and I ask her to withdraw.

The ACTING PRESIDENT (Mr Elasmar)— Order! I do not believe Mr Finn has a point of order, and I am not going to uphold it. Has Ms Hartland finished her members statement?

Ms HARTLAND—I would like to add a few more words because I have a very close friend who transitioned in her adult life, and I know the pain that that caused her and her family, but that family has remained together. They are a loving family. I think we should look at families in different ways. I was raised by dysfunctional heterosexuals, and I see a lot of my gay friends doing a much better job than my parents did.