Greens to Turnbull: scrap DV legal cuts for International Women’s Day


The Greens have urged the Prime Minister to mark International Women’s Day by scrapping plans to cut $34 million from funding for community legal centres that provide domestic violence services.

“Despite professing to care about gender equality, the Coalition government still plans to cut $34 million of core funding from crucial frontline legal services for women and children fleeing domestic violence,” said the Australian Greens acting spokesperson for women Senator Janet Rice.   

“These may be Abbott-era cuts, but they have now become Turnbull’s responsibility.

“Turnbull is risking the lives of women and children with these cuts, and he should get on board the Greens’ plan for a $5 billion funding boost for domestic violence services that will make sure no woman is ever turned away.”


MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

Media Release Women