Greens urge action on staggering rates of sexual assault experienced by LGBTIQ university students


The Australian Greens are urging the federal government to assist universities in implementing the recommendations from the Australian Human Rights Commission’s report on sexual assault and harassment on university campuses.

The report shows LGBTIQ students experience much higher rates of assault and harassment, with 45% of trans and gender diverse students, 44% bisexual students and 38% gay/lesbian students sexually harassed on campus in 2016. Trans and gender diverse students were more likely to experience harassment than any other group.

“These statistics are harrowing,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson.

“As in the wider community, LGBTIQ students experience staggering rates of sexual assault and harassment. Students deserve to feel safe when studying, and it’s up to the federal government and universities to ensure that campuses are safe spaces for all LGBTIQ people."

“Regular reporting is vital to ensure that universities are implementing appropriate processes and responses to sexual assault and harassment, as well as addressing transphobia, biphobia and homophobia.”

“This can’t be left just to universities. The government must get involved and be part of the solution in confronting the broader culture of discrimination and harassment of LGBTIQ people. The government is currently holding this back with its hostility to equal marriage and the safe schools program.”

Media Release LGBTIQ