Greens urge enrolment check


The Australian Greens are urging everyone, particularly young people, to check that their enrolment details are up-to-date or to quickly get themselves on the roll so they have the choice of voting in a postal plebiscite on marriage equality if one goes ahead, said Australian Greens leader Dr Richard Di Natale and Greens LGBTI Spokesperson Sen. Janet Rice.

"There’s never been a better time than right now to check that you’re on the electoral roll. Tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbours. One in four young people are not enrolled to vote. Make sure your whole household has checked their enrolment and they are ready to go," Di Natale said.

"Enrolling to vote is a win-win. We are hoping that the shonky postal plebiscite is knocked off by the upcoming court challenges, but you'll want to be on the roll in case it isn't. And even if the plebiscite is knocked off, you'll want to be able to vote to kick this Government out at the next election for playing politics with our human rights," he added.

"Sadly the small but vocal minority of our community who make up the anti marriage community are preparing for a vicious two-month hate campaign," Rice said.

"There would be so much unnecessary hurt caused to LGBTIQ Australians and their families by this public vote. Parliament could and should do its job and legislate for marriage equality this week."

"It’s time. We have the chance to prove that Australia believes that love is love," Sen. Rice said.

"But just in case this plebiscite goes ahead, check that your details are up to date and enrol to vote, before it’s too late."

Media Release LGBTIQ