Greens urge Victorian government to extend funding to family violence services


​The Victorian Greens' spokesperson for the Prevention of Family Violence, Nina Springle MLC, is urging the Victorian government to provide bridging funding to family violence services before the royal commission reports in March.

"For the last year, family violence crisis services have been told they need to wait for the royal commission to release its findings before they'll get any additional funding," Ms Springle said.

"But those services are now out of money, and there's a huge danger that people who need crisis services won't be getting them just because the royal commission hasn't reported yet.

"The Minister (Fiona Richardson) has a duty of care to ensure that people can access crisis services when they need them.​"

Earlier this month, the government afforded the Royal Commission a one-month extension, meaning the Commission will now report in March.  The Ms Springle said that the Minister must also now extend the funding for crisis services.

Contact: Russel Marks 9584 4013