Greens welcome Government bill to legalise assisted dying


The Greens have welcomed news that the Victorian Government will introduce a bill to legalise assisted dying.

A parliamentary committee this year recommended a strictly regulated model of assisted dying be legalised for terminally ill people.

The Greens first introduced a bill to legalise assisted dying ten years ago and have worked tirelessly towards a legalised framework ever since.

“It’s great news that the Government will introduce a bill to finally legalise assisted dying,” Greens health spokesperson Colleen Hartland said.

“The Greens will continue drafting our bill until we see the Government’s proposed legislation, but hopefully this is something all members can support,” she said.

Greens MP Nina Springle, who was deputy-chair of the committee said, “After spending ten months working on this inquiry, this is a step in the right direction."


Contact - Alistair Perkins 0425 792 532