Greens will vote against plebiscite legislation


The Australian Greens have resolved to vote against any legislation enabling a plebiscite on marriage equality.
"No matter what the enabling legislation for a plebiscite looks like, the Greens will vote against it. We should never put questions of human rights to an opinion poll," said Greens Leader Richard Di Natale.
"The easiest, simplest, quickest, most effective, least costly and least harmful way of ensuring equality in marriage is through a vote in the parliament, and we can do that next week should the Prime Minister decide to show some leadership.
"The Greens won't support this waste of money that is designed to delay equality and give a megaphone to hate and homophobia.
"The Greens will vote for marriage equality - every MP, every vote, every time - so we call on Labor and the other crossbenchers to reject the Liberals' plebiscite and demand a free vote in the Parliament."
Greens spokesperson on LGBTIQ Senator Janet Rice said:
"Australia has fallen behind the rest of the world on marriage equality.
"We've listened to the LGBTIQ community, 85% of whom are opposed to a damaging and unnecessary plebiscite because of the harm that it would do.
"John Howard didn't need a plebiscite to deny marriage equality and we don't need one now embrace it.
"The Prime Minister needs to have the courage to stand up to the extreme wing of his party, who are doing everything they can to delay the inevitable.
"We need a free vote in the Parliament as soon as possible. We could have legislation passed next week and wedding bells ringing this spring," Senator Rice said.