Greens won’t stand for any roll back of women’s healthcare rights


The Australian Greens have vowed to fight a push by the Australian Christian Lobby for Australia to copy President Trump’s ban on foreign aid funding for abortion services.

“This is an irresponsible campaign that would just send women to dangerous underground clinics,” said the Australian Greens acting spokesperson for women Senator Janet Rice.

Under a similar ban instituted under John Howard in a horse-trade deal with Senator Brian Harradine, maternal deaths in Papua New Guinea jumped a horrific 56 per cent. The ban has since been scrapped.

“We can never again allow restrictions to be placed on the provision of lifesaving health care services to the world’s most impoverished women.

"Access to safe, legal and accessible abortions is a health care right that no government anywhere has any business placing restrictions on.”


MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

Media Release Women