Heat from native forest burning ain’t clean


Heat from native forest burning ain’t clean
Labor and the Liberals must reject a push from the Australian Forest Products Association (AFPA) to allow renewable energy credits from the burning of native forests for direct heat energy, say the Greens.
“The only way to increase Australia’s clean energy capacity is with actual clean energy like solar and wind,” said the Australian Greens forest spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“Allowing native forest burning under the Renewable Energy Target for energy was appalling, but bringing direct heat generation into the fold is worse.
“AFPA is essentially arguing that one cigarette is damaging, so you may as well smoke the whole packet. Except it was AFPA that offered the cigarette in the first place.
“This push reeks of Tony Abbott and his mates. Prime Minister Turnbull must make it clear he won’t have a bar of it.
“Labor could have made native forest burning a deal-breaker when they assisted the government in gutting the Renewable Energy Target. They must make the slippery slope to direct heat generation a deal-breaker now.
“The native forest logging industry is stuck in the 19th and 20th Centuries. It doesn’t help anyone to continue giving them lifelines and hold off their transition to a fully plantation-based industry.
“Our native forests are worth much more standing for our climate, our most threatened animals and for the local communities that rely on them," Senator Rice said.

Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935