High Court delivers government body blow with oil & gas project decision


Greens Employment & Industrial Relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today welcomed the High Court’s decision to rule against the government’s attempt to give fewer rights at work to people working on gas and oil projects in Australian waters and said the High Court has delivered the government a huge setback on day two of the new Parliament.
“The Greens welcome the High Court’s decision to stop the government removing rights at work from people working on offshore oil and gas projects in Australian seas,” Mr Bandt said.
"On day two of this Parliament, the government has suffered a big blow. The High Court has told the government that they cannot get around the will of the Parliament and the will of the people and take away people’s rights at work.”

“The background to this decision shames the government.”
"The Minister issued regulations to remove protections from offshore oil and gas projects. Led by the Greens, the Senate stood up to Minister Cash and successfully stopped the Minister’s first round of attacks on people who are working on offshore oil and gas projects.”
"But instead of following the will of the Senate, the Minister came back for a second try, issuing a declaration exempting big oil and resource companies from employing local workers at local pay and conditions.
“The High Court has said the government is unlawfully trying to remove protections from those working on offshore resource projects and has said the Minister's declaration is invalid.”
Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054