Infrastructure Victoria's Daft Options


"Infrastructure Victoria's Draft Options report is a joke. They have cherry-picked their evidence sources and dismissed their own jury reports to rule out public transport investments in favour of toll roads," said Samantha Dunn MP, Greens' Spokesperson for Transport.

"The report actually claims the existing Doncaster Area Rapid Transit buses provide a better service than a Doncaster rail service ever could. Clearly the staff at Infrastructure Victoria have never been a passenger on an overcrowded DART bus hurtling down the Eastern Freeway in the emergency lane, or struggled to find parking at the Doncaster Park & Ride" said Ms Dunn.

"The cost they estimate for building renewables such as wind and solar, by 2030, are laughable. Renewables are already cheaper than new build coal or gas, today," said Greg Barber MP, Leader of the Greens.

"The whole report is a stitch up, to push mega toll roads ahead of rail. Before we know it, liveable Melbourne is going to look like a Los Angeles freeway congested hell," said Mr Barber.