Inquiry shows path forward for marriage equality


A Senate Inquiry has shown that equal marriage is possible in this term of Parliament, despite highlighting flaws in the federal government’s draft Bill.

“This Inquiry is another step in the journey towards marriage equality,” said the Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.

“We’ve heard from so many people and organisations that exemptions aren't needed to protect religious freedoms and would entrench discrimination.

“We would not allow conscientious objections for celebrants based on age or race, and we should not allow objections for gender or sexuality.

“It is clear that exemptions for services would be unwarranted and unworkable.

“With some of the nonsense we’ve heard from those opposed to equality, thank goodness they've been stopped from having a megaphone with a plebiscite.

“The government’s Bill is flawed, but this process has enabled the productive public discussion necessary to move ahead and achieve marriage equality in this Parliament.”


MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935.

Media Release LGBTIQ