IT’S ON: Greens offer courage & vision in face of double disappointment


The Australian Greens have welcomed the election being called today, saying Australians deserve better than the double-disappointment they're getting from the Liberal-National Coalition and Labor.
"Global warming, the unprecedented number of people seeking asylum around the world, inequality, transforming our economy: these are the challenges of our time and it's the Greens who are providing leadership," said Australian Greens Leader Richard Di Natale.
"Both the Liberals and Labor support new coal mines. They both support detaining innocent people in hellish camps offshore. They both lack the courage to clean up our democracy. They're a double disappointment and this double dissolution election is an opportunity for voters to demand better.
"The Budget put forward by Scott Morrison is a four year plan to do nothing on global warming, on creating safer pathways for people seeking asylum, or really cracking down on unfair tax breaks.
"Labor has also budgeted for a $1 billion cut to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, for the continuation of offshore detention and for the destruction of precious places like the Great Barrier Reef in favour of propping up the dying coal industry.
"The Greens head into this election proud to have led the debate for a more equal society - one that ensures that multinational corporations pay their fair share so we can raise the revenue we need to fund our schools, hospitals and support for our community's most vulnerable people.
"We're proud to have prevented all the worst Liberal Budget measures from becoming law, to have stood for love and equality in the face of bigotry and fear, and to have stood up for those people fleeing torture and war, looking for safety and community here in Australia.
"We're heading to an election with a Prime Minister who's proven to be a massive let-down, a Budget that fails to address single greatest economic challenge of our time in global warming and the transition to a new economy, and a Labor party that's frankly failed in its role as an opposition.
"The Greens are heading into this election with an incredible team of MPs and candidates who stand for a more decent and prosperous Australia."