It's threatened species day and the Premier still has no plan for Victoria's forests


The government established Forest Industry Taskforce announced over six weeks ago that it was finalising a Statement of Intent but there have been no updates since and no government action.   This year’s Threatened Species Day is a crucial reminder that critically endangered wildlife, such as the Leadbeater’s Possum, won't survive more inaction from the government.    “The Premier needs to show leadership, look to the future and start preparing for the long overdue transition out of native forest logging and creation of the Great Forest National Park,” said Samantha Dunn, Victorian Greens Spokesperson for Forests.   With less than five years left of saw log supply in the Central Highlands, local jobs and economy are at risk.   "The Premier is hanging onto a far-fetched dream that native forest logging will keep Victorians in jobs indefinitely,” said Ms Dunn.   “The government has no plan to begin the transition to sustainable commercial plantations to protect workers and secure jobs.”   The Forest Industry Taskforce’s delay in reaching an agreement on the future of Victoria’s forests is not surprising given the Premier stacked the taskforce with industry groups and the forestry division of the CFMEU.   “I’m very thankful for the environment groups’ tireless effort on the front line being strong voices for our forests, said Ms Dunn.   "I'm proud to stand with the community in Treasury Gardens today and demand that the government finally take action to protect Victoria’s threatened species.   "If the Andrews government doesn't act now to begin a transition to sustainable plantations, it is set to lock in its legacy as the last government that could have prevented the extinction of the Leadbeater's Possum,” said Ms Dunn.