Keep Direct Rail Services to Gippsland


Infrastructure Victoria presented two choices for public transport in the Gippsland area for its consultation process. One of the public transport options for Gippsland presented to the Regional Jury were to shut down direct V/Line services to the region and replace them with a ‘rail shuttle’ to interchange with metropolitan services at Pakenham station.  The second option was to invest billions of dollars in separated rail lines for eastern regional services.   “Infrastructure Victoria presented a false choice,” said Samantha Dunn MP, Greens spokesperson on Public Transport. “With grade separations underway along the Pakenham corridor, the capacity for regional V/Line trains to share the line with metro trains will only increase. Infrastructure Victoria should be aiming to provide more direct rail services to the Gippsland region, not less.   “Direct V/Line services from the Gippsland region are critical for the community, providing the best form of transport available, as shown by increasing patronage year-on-year since rail services were re-introduced in 2004. The elderly and disabled are particularly reliant on direct rail services.   “If the Gippsland region is to have any chance of economic transition away from coal to renewable energy and new industries, then it will need more transport links, not fewer,” continued Ms Dunn.   Enquiries – contact Alex Marks 0413 766 792