Labor must end the tax cuts arms race this election: Greens


In response to the open letter signed by 50 eminent Australians calling on the government to not cut taxes, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Labor to rule out cutting taxes in the upcoming Budget and election.
“Fifty eminent Australians have backed the Greens’ call to block tax cuts in the upcoming Budget and election,” Mr Bandt said.
“Real tax reform starts at the top, not the bottom. The Greens will not support tax cuts in the upcoming Budget or the election.”

“This Budget and this election must not turn into a tax cuts arms race.”
“The acid is now on Labor. Labor must join the Greens and rule out a tax cuts arms race in the Budget and the election.”
“Taxes are the price we pay for a civilised society. Without taxes, we don’t have schools, hospitals or Medicare.”
“I’m sick of hearing governments telling us that there’s not enough money to pay for everyone to see the doctor or to fund good quality and affordable universities, but there is enough money for company tax cuts or to continue the unfair tax breaks that benefit the very wealthy.”
“We know that the Liberals will try to look after the big end of town with tax cuts for big business and above-average income earners and by refusing to end unfair tax breaks.”
“The Greens will get rid of unfair tax breaks to secure the revenue we need to fund the services Australians expect.”
Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054