Labor must end the tax cuts arms race: Greens


In response to reports today the government will cut company and income taxes in the upcoming Budget, Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP called on Labor to rule out cutting taxes in the upcoming Budget and election.
"Now is not the time for tax cuts. We are facing a revenue crisis in this country. Our schools, hospitals and infrastructure are under pressure and in desperate need of investment," Mr Bandt said.
"The Greens will not support tax cuts in the upcoming Budget or the election."
"It is up to Labor now to join the Greens and rule out a tax cuts arms race in the Budget and the election."
"Taxes are the price we pay for a civilised society. Without taxes, we don't have schools, hospitals or Medicare."
"I'm sick of hearing governments telling us that there's not enough money to pay for everyone to see the doctor or to fund our universities, but there is enough money for company tax cuts."