
The Victorian Greens say that no one would have to pay more on their bills and we wouldn’t have to risk blowing our emissions targets in a climate crisis if Labor pulls it together and gets renewables online faster.

In recent years we’ve seen significant delays on getting renewable energy online and now a new report from Infrastructure Victoria has warned that these delays will prevent Victoria from hitting its emissions targets and could make energy bills more expensive until 2035 when more renewables come online.

More than a third of what Australians hand over to energy giants like AGL and Origin for electricity is pure profit for the companies and the Greens say that people shouldn’t have to pay more money to greedy energy companies for climate-destroying fossil fuels because Labor are dragging their feet on getting cheaper renewables online.

The Victorian Greens say we can’t risk more emissions that will supercharge climate change which we know creates even more expenses for people, with insurance premiums as one of the first costs to skyrocket.

Quotes attributable to the Victorian Greens spokesperson for coal transition, Dr Tim Read:

“Renewable energy is the cheapest form of energy and if we got them online faster everyone would actually be paying far less on their bills sooner.

“Labor must prioritise getting Victoria off dirty coal and expensive gas and properly support and invest in fast-tracking our clean energy transition.

“We know that climate change is going to cost people. Insurance premiums are already going through the roof. We can’t risk blowing our emissions targets that we know will supercharge climate change and create even more everyday expenses for people.”