Labor must halt logging of Strathbogie forest home of Greater Glider, say Greens


The Greens are calling on the Victorian Labor government to step in to halt logging by its commercial logging arm VicForests, which has moved in to log key sections of native forest near Strathbogie in Victoria’s north-east.

This forest area is covered by a federal and state logging law known as a ‘Regional Forest Agreement’ which means national environmental protections don’t apply. This allows VicForests to log the Strathbogie forest despite it being critical habitat for animals like the Greater Glider, listed as a threatened species under both Federal and Victorian environmental legislation.

“Surveys have found the greatest density of Greater Gliders ever found in Victoria, yet logging which will destroy their homes is planned to start today,” said Senator Janet Rice, Greens federal spokesperson for forests.

“It’s the 21st century, yet the state government is still bulldozing precious native forest for low-value woodchips and firewood. Our outdated national logging laws must be scrapped, so that our kids and grandkids can get out and experience intact native forest and our amazing Australian wildlife into the future."

“The Greens have a bill before the federal parliament to repeal the logging laws known as Regional Forest Agreements, and ensure that any areas proposed for logging are subject to national environmental protection laws, just like any other extractive industry is.”

Victorian Greens forests spokesperson, Samantha Dunn MLC, said “VicForests is all too happy to continue to push Victoria’s threatened species to the brink of extinction.”

“The Minister should stop sitting on her hands and put proper protections for the Greater Glider in place. VicForests are using this opportunity to log their best known habitat while they can.”

“It’s time Victoria moved away from unsustainable native forest logging before it’s too late for both our species and the industry. A move to sustainable plantations is the only way forward.”

Media Release Forests