Labor's parkland hypocrisy


Greens accuse Labor of hypocrisy when it comes to parkland protection on major infrastrucutre projects.

While Labor prioritised protection of Royal Park over the East-West Tollway proposal in the marginal seats of Melbourne and Brunswick, and protected Mullum Mullum Creek parkland in the then marginal seat of Mitchem when the East Link tollway was built, they have failed to offer that same protection for the Stony Creek Reserve in the safe seat of Williamstown in Melbourne's inner west, which now threatened by the Western Distributor Tollroad proposal. 

“History tells us that Labor will fight hard to protect your local parkland if it is in a marginal seat, but if it’s a safe seat like Williamstown, you’re probably stuffed,” said Western Suburbs Greens MP, Colleen Hartland.

“At this stage, Labor’s only interest seems to be diffusing community opposition by giving the appearance of consultation.”

“Dan Andrews knows well by now what the local community wants; protection of our green space and 24 hour truck curfews on local streets. Unfortunately, we have had no commitment on either, just subterfuge.”

“The hypocrisy is gobsmacking. Labor opposed the East West Link in large part on the basis of the impact on parkland. Now it’s not in a marginal seat, they don’t seem to care.”

“The west has a significant shortage of green space. Stony Creek Reserve is cherished by locals as one of the most significant green spaces in the area. It’s incredible that Labor would consider trashing it,” said Ms Hartland.