Liberals set to deliver ‘Budget for the billionaires’


The Australian Greens say the Liberals are set to deliver a Budget that will grow inequality by including company tax cuts and income tax cuts for above average income earners.
"This Budget, like this Prime Minister, is shaping up to be a huge disappointment," said Greens Leader Richard Di Natale.
"Malcolm Turnbull came in and said everything was on the table, but now he and his Treasurer are serving up the same tired old dishes as Tony Abbott.
"A better budget would reduce inequality, invest in safer pathways for people seeking asylum and transition our economy away from coal."
Greens Treasury spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Labor to join the Greens in ruling out supporting company and income tax cuts in the upcoming Budget and election.
"The Liberals are promising a new approach in the Budget but it's straight out of the Liberal's play book," Mr Bandt said.
"This is a ‘Budget for the billionaires', where there is not enough money for our schools and hospitals but somehow there is enough for the big banks and Gina Rinehart to get a tax cut."
"The Greens won't have a bar of these unfair measures in this ‘Budget for the billionaires."
"Now is not the time for tax cuts. Instead of letting big businesses pay less tax, we should be making sure that all businesses pay their fair share of tax. Instead of frittering away billions of dollars on $5 a week tax cuts for above average income earners, we should be investing that money into our schools and hospitals."
"Labor must join the Greens in ruling out a tax cuts arms race and oppose cutting corporate and income taxes in the upcoming Budget and election."
"The Greens will not vote these unfair measures through the Senate in the next Parliament. If Labor and the others join us, we can send the government back to the drawing board and force them to create a better Budget."