Make the Moonee Ponds bike trail safe


Greens call for safer diversions on Moonee Ponds Bike Trail during the CityLink Tulla widening.

“This diversion is a disaster for cyclists and I’m sure many will have abandoned their regular commute or recreational ride,”  said Western Suburbs MP, Colleen Hartland.

“Cyclists have been pushed off a safe off-road bicycle route and onto the road with cars with no dedicated bike lane.”

“Cyclists reluctantly over-crowd pedestrian crossings at busy roads while a super tram stop is now a major bike crossing with cyclists struggling to fit through the complicated turning barriers built for pedestrians. Some are putting themselves in danger to avoid this situation by riding around the tram stop where there is no safe crossing point.”

“This is a long term detour set to be in place for a year. All efforts should be made to facilitate cyclists to continue riding and to keep them safe.”

“I have written to Transurban requesting some simple solutions be put in place that will greatly improve cyclist safety and enjoyment,” said Ms Hartland.