Media Release: Ruskin Park under threat from new development


Samantha Dunn, Greens MP for Eastern Metropolitan and spokesperson for Planning, has called on the Planning Minister to heed the calls from Maroondah Council and its residents to put a moratorium on planning permits for more than two dwellings in Ruskin Park until the Maroondah Housing Strategy is completed.

“Residents and Maroondah City councillors are concerned that developments of more than two dwellings is fundamentally changing the character of Ruskin Park.

“It is clear that the proposed developments are inconsistent with the existing Neighbourhood Character Study of Ruskin Park.

“The aim of the Maroondah Housing Strategy is to determine the best location for higher density development. It’s an important piece of strategic work which needs to be completed so there can be a more consistent approach to development in Maroondah.

“It’s good to see Maroondah doing the work on a housing strategy, it makes sense, but there needs to be some breathing space to ensure Ruskin Park’s unique character is protected in the interim. This scattergun approach to development is a poor outcome.

“The Minister needs to listen to community members and local councillors who are most affected by these outcomes.

The Ruskin Park General Residential Zone is bounded by Hull Road, Ruskin Avenue, Mt Dandenong Rd and the municipal boundary of Maroondah City Council.

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