MOTION: fire ants OPD


I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that the Senate –
1. Notes:
a. The adverse effect of Red Imported Fire Ant populations on ecosystems, native species, agricultural communities and human healthb. The ongoing program since 2001 to eradicate Red Imported Fire Ants.c. The communique of the Agriculture Ministers Forum in Auckland, New Zealand on 20 May 2016 indicated that:i. it remains in the national interest to eradicate the ants and that it is technically feasible and cost beneficial to do soii. ministers agreed to continue to cost share the RIFA South East Queensland eradication programme in 2016–17 in accordance with the nationally agreed 2013–18 Response Plan.iii. funding of a 10 year eradication plan or transition to a management plan for the SEQ Programme will be considered at the next AGMIN meeting.d. The right of all Australian’s to sufficient information to understand the important decision that the agriculture ministers will be making at their next meeting in 2017 on whether the eradication program should continue, the implications of proceedings and not proceeding, the costs involved and the lessons learnt from the program so far.
2. Orders that there be laid on the table no later than 9.30am on 01/12/2016 by the Minister representing the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, the following document held by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources:a. The “Independent Review of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program: Report of the independent review panel.”

MotionAgriculture and Rural AffairsEnvironment and Biodiversity