Native forest logging is bad economics: Greens call for sacking of VicForests' board


New independent reports cast doubt on the judgement, competence and impartiality of VicForests’ board. “The board is completely compromised and can no longer have the government’s confidence. The VicForests’ board should be sacked,” said Samantha Dunn, Victorian Greens Spokesperson for Forests. “The Premier must immediately launch an inquiry to determine the extent to which the people of Victoria have been misled by VicForests across the full range of its operational and reporting activities.” Recent reports from PricewaterhouseCoopers and the ANU’s Fenner School of Environment and Society demonstrate that successive governments and VicForests are completely mismanaging Victoria’s forest assets. “VicForests’ own accounts are brought into serious doubt by these new independent reports and should be carefully scrutinised. “It is evident that on any measure of performance; environmental, social or economic, the logging of Victoria’s native forests is a bad idea. “Victoria’s community is sick of vast amounts of money being spent to prop up native forest logging for no discernible benefit.” The Greens federal spokesperson for forests, Senator Janet Rice, warned that a lack of action on native forests protections would cause the major parties electoral damage on July 2. “People in the inner-city and the bush are telling us they want to see real action to protect the wildlife, water and carbon values of our forests for future generations,” said Senator Rice. “The Greens are the only party that understands that economic prosperity and a healthy society goes hand in hand with the protection of our precious natural heritage. “Voting Greens this Saturday means more voices in Canberra with the courage and vision to take action to protect our precious native forests.” Contact: Alistair - 0425792532