No room for Racism in Parliament


The Senate has supported a motion moved by Senator Richard Di Natale, condemning George Christensen and Cory Bernardi's attendance at a Q Society of Australia.

To move–That the Senate 

(a)    condemns the actions of Mr Christensen, MP and Senator Bernardi in attending the Q Society of Australia Inc fundraising dinner in Melbourne even after learning of the deeply homophobic and Islamophobic nature of the Sydney event; 
(b)    notes that Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull's failure to rein in Mr Christensen MP fails to reassure the LGBTI community and people of Islamic faith that the Prime Minister and the Coalition value diversity and equality;
(c)    notes that Senator Hanson was expelled from the Liberal Party for her racist views;
(d)    calls on the Prime Minister to condemn Mr Christensen MP for attending the Q Society event; and
(e)    calls on all leaders of all political parties to condemn hate-speech in all forms. 

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