NSW on board container deposit scheme, Victoria should now follow


NSW on board container deposit scheme, Victoria should now follow
Victoria is lagging behind the rest of the country, with news that NSW has followed in the footsteps of the South Australia and the Northern Territory by announcing plans for a beverage container recycling refund scheme.
“Evidence to a recent Senate Inquiry showed the horrendous environmental and health impacts of plastic bottles and other micro plastics, as well as the success of the South Australian scheme,” said Greens Senator for Victoria Janet Rice.
"A recommendation by the Senate for a national container deposit scheme had cross-party support, and it’s time to act.
“The Greens have been standing with the community for a national cash-for-container scheme for decades and the NSW decision should be the trigger for other states to follow suit.
“A unified national scheme is good for the environment and ultimately good for the beverage industry, as it would get rid of the patchwork of state schemes it has to deal with.
“Greg Hunt’s decision to axe the COAG environment working group has been a disaster, meaning that interstate cooperation on plastic issues has ground to a halt.
“Let’s get on with this!” concluded Senator Rice.
Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935