PM must ditch IR bills that ‘wage war with unions’ and workers


Greens industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to ditch the industrial relations bills the government has been trying to get through the Senate. The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014 and the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013 have both been rejected by the Senate and the Fair Work Amendment Bill 2014 is currently before the Senate.

Lines attributable to Adam Bandt MP:

“The Prime Minister has said he does not want to wage war with unions or workers. If this is true, he should ditch the industrial relations bills the government has been trying to get through the Senate and sit down at the table with all stakeholders and reach a new consensus.”

“These bills were Tony Abbott’s last attacks on people’s rights at work.”

“They seek to impose stricter requirements on unions than on companies, give people who work in the construction industry fewer rights at work and deny unions and workers a voice in negotiating wages and conditions in large projects.”

“By ditching these bills, Prime Minister Turnbull will show that he really is backing an industrial relations agenda that is about outcomes, not ideology.”

Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054