PM Turnbull should have dumped – not appointed – Wind Farm Commissioner


The Australian Greens say today's appointment of a Wind Farm Commissioner is a sign that Malcolm Turnbull will continue to pander to those in the Coalition who are intent on sending Australia backwards.

"Prime Minister Turnbull has wasted another opportunity to show he's any different to Tony Abbott. Australians don't need a wind farm commissioner, we need a plan to transition away from coal," said Greens Leader Richard Di Natale.

"This is one of the tin-foil-hat wearing relics of the Abbott age."

Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said:

"This absurd position shows Malcolm Turnbull is failing to change the government's Abbott-style, anti-science attacks on the renewable energy industry.

"It seems that the climate dinosaurs of the Coalition are the real leaders of the Turnbull Government.

"The science is in on wind farms - there has been extensive research and no credible health body or medical journal in the world supports the idea of wind turbine syndrome.

"We now have a completely unnecessary Wind Farm Commissioner; yet no Disability Commissioner, a vacant Sex Discrimination Commissioner position and an under-funded Threatened Species Commissioner.

"Australians love clean energy and the government needs to stop jeopardising the jobs of the future in wind and other renewables," Senator Waters said.