Protect our parks before they’re all gone


This week in parliament, Greens MP for Eastern Metropolitan and spokesperson for planning, Samantha Dunn MP, urged the Roads Minister to intervene and protect public open space in Boroondara.

“Public open space is critical to our health and wellbeing. Boroondara Council has some of the lowest levels of public open space.

“It’s a ridiculous situation that already publicly owned land needs to be purchased by Boroondara Council, it should be transferred to them.

“The Minister must act to protect the VicRoads land and ensure that future generations still have access to public open space.

“Investigations have shown Boroondara has low levels of public open space at only 9.6 percent. With such low levels, it’s no question that VicRoads should transfer the land to Boroondara.

“The Minister should be doing all he can to protect this valued public open space

For more information contact:
Samantha Dunn - (03) 9850 8600