Public transport must be built in the public interest


The Greens have warned that farming out the build of Melbourne Metro Rail to the private sector isn't the best or cheapest way to build this public asset.

"Victoria has a problematic history with public-private partnerships," said the Australian Greens spokesperson for transport and infrastructure Senator Janet Rice.

"We cannot let Melbourne Metro Rail become another East West Link, where the public interest was treated as trivial and the business case, plans and contracts were kept secret from the public."

The Greens say there are better options to finance major infrastructure. 

"At a time of record low interest rates, smart use of government borrowing to fund this project must be considered," said the Victorian Greens transport spokesperson Samantha Dunn. 

"Treasurer Pallas himself said just weeks ago that Victoria could ramp up borrowing to fund important infrastructure.

"While we welcome the Victorian government's commitment to future-focused rail transport, public transport must be built in the public interest, not to line the pockets of private shareholders."

Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935