Return trains, trams to public hands


Statement by Samantha Dunn MP, Victorian Greens Spokesperson for Public Transport

The Victorian Greens support the call by the Rail Tram and Bus Union to return trains and trams to public hands.

Privatisation of public transport has not worked. Taxpayers and customers have suffered the inconvenience of a slower, less frequent and cancelled services. The rolling stock and infrastructure have been run on minimal maintenance; the less money spent on repairs, staffing and new equipment, the more profit made.

The franchises have been run to bring massive profits to their owners, instead of being run to provide the best service possible to the benefit of the people that actually depend on the public transport system.

It is unclear why the Andrews Government has gone straight into closed-door negotiations to extend the franchise agreements, when the history of privatisation of public transport in Victoria, and other places around the world, is a failure.

The franchise agreements should not be extended behind closed doors. We cannot allow profits to continue flowing overseas while our overloaded public transport system falls deeper into disrepair.

Melbourne’s public transport system must be brought back into public hands.

It must be run by the Victorian Government, on behalf of the Victorian people, for the benefit of all Victorians.