Senate inquiry ramps up pressure on Adani


The Australian Greens are going to haul each and every one of the Northern Australian Investment Facility's directors before the Senate committee until the rampant conflicts of interests surrounding their board are resolved, Greens leader Dr Richard Di Natale said.

"We can’t spend $5 billion of taxpayers money without having complete assurance that everything is above board and today’s hearing shows that the board has advanced the Adani project against their own investment rules," Di Natale said.

"NAIF is a throw-back to Queensland’s Joh Bjelke-Petersen era: special appointments, complete secrecy and the lingering perception of political favours and interference."

"When Adani said the government loan is ‘non-critical’ to the project going ahead, it should have been immediately been ruled ineligible."

"The NAIF board either has to open up its approval processes and board conflict to public scrutiny or inform the community that the project will not receive funding. This closed-shop for $1 billion of public money cannot continue any longer."

Media Release Environment and Biodiversity Mining and Resources