Senate tells Joyce to think again on cost-benefit analysis for pesticides agency move


Senate tells Joyce to think again on cost-benefit analysis for pesticides agency move
A Greens motion has passed the Senate that gives Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce four weeks to make public the cost-benefit analysis for moving the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to his own electorate of New England.
“Mr Joyce is trying to uproot the lives of nearly 200 staff and their families, seemingly for his own political purposes,” said the Greens agriculture spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“You cannot just tell people to move more than 700km and not provide proof that it is worth the expense.”
The move comes after Minister Joyce declared he would not release the analysis, telling the ABC “I don’t think I will”.
“You have to wonder what the Minister has to hide,” said Senator Rice.
“A negative cost-benefit analysis would confirm blatant pork-barrelling, massive disrespect for these highly trained staff and an unforgivable waste of taxpayer money.”
**full motion as passed by the Senate is attached**
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935
