Senate unites to support World AIDS Day


In recognition that today is World AIDS Day, the Senate has passed a motion reaffirming Australia’s commitment to ending HIV transmission by 2020.
“World AIDS Day is a time to honour those we've lost, challenge the stigma that still exists and look to the future,” said the Australian Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.
“AIDS is no longer a death sentence, but the number of new cases is stubbornly remaining at over 1000 people a year. That is 1000 too many.
“By taking the right steps, we can consign AIDS to the dustbin of history.
“We can start by speeding up the process to give people easier access to the preventative drug PrEP.”
Motion text (moved by Senators Smith, Pratt and Rice):
The Senate-

  1. Notes that:
    1. 1 December 2016 is World AIDS Day, which is held every year to raise awareness about the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS, and is a day for people to show their support for people living with HIV and to remember those who have died;
    2. The aim of World AIDS Day 2016 is to encourage Australians to educate themselves and others about HIV; to take action to reduce the transmission of HIV by promoting prevention strategies and to ensure that people living with HIV can participate fully in the life of the community, free from stigma and discrimination;
    3. While significant advancements in treatment and diagnosis have been made, 30 years after the discovery of the HIV virus the HIV epidemic remains one of the greatest public health challenges facing Australia, its region and the world; and
    4. Australia’s response to HIV and AIDS has always been driven by strong multi-party support and rigorously based on science and evidence.
  2. Reaffirms the united support for the Seventh National HIV Strategy in setting the direction for Australia to reverse the increasing trend of new HIV diagnoses and working towards the virtual elimination of HIV transmission by 2020.
  3. Welcomes the commitment by all State and Territory Governments to work with the Australian Government in the development of the Eighth National HIV Strategy.
  4. Welcomes the pledge by the Australian Government for an additional $220 million to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria at the Fifth Replenishment meeting in Montreal, Canada.

MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

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