State of Environment ain’t good, Government complicit


The 2017 State of the Environment report shows the federal government is putting the interests of donors and big polluters ahead of the public good and responsible environmental protection, say the Australian Greens.

“The Minister claims there are ‘bright spots’, but this report shows the dark stain of Government mismanagement of our environment,” said Australian Greens acting environment spokesperson Senator Janet Rice.

“Any responsible government would prioritise environmental protection and urgent action on global warming, but both Coalition and Labor governments have allowed their policies to be led by their donors in big mining.

“Australians are experiencing record heatwaves, but meanwhile the Treasurer is waving around lumps of coal, the old parties are ganging up to cut renewable energy and fossil fuel pollution is still rising.

“The Greens will establish a new independent environmental watchdog, that will operate free from the influence of politicians and donations.

“On top of that, a new Environment Act will extend federal protection to all aspects of the environment where impacts of development are significant, including forests, national parks, and global warming.”

“Under these new laws, climate destroying disasters like the Adani coal mine could not be approved."


Media contact: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935

Media Release Environment