Statement on Scott Ludlam's resignation


I want to share a message with you following Scott's announcement that he will be resigning from the Parliament. It's been devastating for our parliamentary team to learn this news, and I’m sure you are all feeling exactly the same way.

Scott is an outstanding member of the Parliament and of the Greens. He has been a strong representative for the people of WA and the nation.

I respect Scott immensely - he’s been a champion for the Greens - in Parliament and across the country. For the anti-nukes movement, for digital rights, housing and homelessness and so many other issues.

If you want to know what kind of person Scott is, you need to look no further than Scott’s announcement today. Scott’s decision shows his absolute integrity and character. This is news Scott has just learned, and upon hearing it, he’s taken action immediately.

As a Senator, Scott has been fearless. Just a few days ago, he was at the UN for the historic vote supporting a treaty to ban nuclear weapons, when Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop refused to give Australia a seat at that table. As the Liberal and Labor Parties forced mandatory data retention laws through the Parliament, Scott was there ensuring the country knew what they were doing. Scott was willing to talk about negative gearing reform a fairer housing system years before Labor had the courage to do so. Parliament needs more people with his commitment and character.

The 2014 by-election campaign was one of the most amazing campaigns I’ve witnessed in politics. The groundswell of support and passion was astounding, and this shows just how much Scott and his work means to people.

I want to recognise Scott’s family, his staff, friends and colleagues in the WA Greens who are hearing this news - know that all of us stand with you today. Scott’s team work tirelessly to support his work, and I know this will be really tough on everyone.

In the coming days and weeks we will finalise what this means in terms of Scott’s vacated seat, and will keep you informed as things become clearer.

Let me finish by saying that it has been an honour to sit in the Senate with Scott, and to have him as a Deputy Leader. Scott’s tenacity, creativity, strength and intelligence should be an inspiration to us all. He will continue to be a champion of the Greens movement and a dear friend. I am sure we have not seen the last of him.

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