Stop this four-story high freeway disaster


The Greens have slammed the Labor Government design of the Western Distributor that would see ramps over the West Gate Freeway four stories high.

“The awful truth of what the Andrews Government is proposing is finally coming out,” said Colleen Hartland, Greens Western Suburbs MP.

“A four story freeway stack would dominate the area. This is what we have been dreading all along and now it is plain for all to see.”

“This design should be scrapped at the earliest opportunity in favour of a low impact design that doesn’t have any ramps over the West Gate Freeway.”

“The hypocrisy of Labor is astonishing. They opposed the East West Link in large part on the basis of the impact on parkland, now we get this design, which shows no respect to the locals and will destroy the park,” said Ms Hartland.