Turnbull must listen to Climate Change Authority whistleblowers


Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt says the board members who have blown the whistle on the Climate Change Authority’s unwillingness to provide frank and fearless advice were putting the national interest before politics.
Two Climate Change Authority board members, eminent scientist David Karoly and climate policy academic Clive Hamilton, have today released a minority report criticising the Authority’s climate policy and targets review, suggesting the Authority was soft-pedalling on policy and targets to match the current government line.
“The Climate Change Authority must remain independent, not become a Liberal government think tank,” Mr Bandt said.

"The dissenting board members have blown the whistle, urging frank and fearless advice about the level of action needed to combat the climate emergency."
"If the Reserve Bank stopped adjusting interest rates because it might upset the government, there would be an outcry.”
"The Climate Change Authority had been telling us to live within our means and had urged strong climate action until the Liberals replaced the Chair and stacked the board.”
"These two whistleblowers are telling the country that to meet the Authority's own recommendations and have the best chance of avoiding catastrophic global warming we need to get our skates on."
“The Prime Minister and his Energy and Environment Minister need to listen to these courageous whistleblowers and put in place climate and energy policies that will drive down pollution rapidly.”
“The number one action the government must take is to start the phase out of the oldest and dirtiest coal fired power stations, such as Hazelwood in Victoria, a recommendation of both the Authority’s majority and minority reports.”
Media contact: Adam Pulford, 0429 109 054
TW: @AdamBandt FB: facebook.com/Adam.Bandt.MP