Turnbull’s budget continues Abbott’s roads roundabout


Turnbull’s budget continues Abbott’s roads roundabout
Malcolm Turnbull’s transport infrastructure budget is full of rehashed Abbott-era projects and does little for commuters, say the Greens.
“This budget is a huge let down for Australians who are suffering from congestion and sub-standard transport,” said the Australian Greens spokesperson for transport and infrastructure Senator Janet Rice.
“Turnbull’s much-trumpeted $50 billion infrastructure spend is just smoke and mirrors, mostly just reannouncing Abbott-era projects.
“Less than 10% is going to public transport, continuing the chronic underinvestment in our trains, trams and buses.
“We’re not going to ease congestion by continuing Tony Abbott’s addiction to great big polluting toll roads. Trying to fix congestion by building more roads is like loosening your belt to cure obesity – car use will inevitably expand to fill the space. 
“A better budget would have prioritised trains, trams and buses, freeing up our roads for people who need them most.
“Disappointingly, the government’s commitment to high speed rail seems to have been all talk, yet again.
“Much of the funding for public transport has come from bribes to the states to privatise public assets, which was exactly Abbott’s plan.
“We have the chance to make smart use of debt and invest in transformational  public transport infrastructure that would unclog our cities and connect our regions yet the government has squibbed the opportunity.
“The Greens will continue to stand up for easier, cheaper and safer public transport options for Australians.”
MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Drummond 0400 352 935