Upper house agrees to inquiry into government plans to privatise public housing estates - Greens


Greens MP Sue Pennicuik this week successfully moved to establish a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Andrews' government’s plans to privatise public land on inner city housing estates under the Public Housing Renewal Program (PHRP).
The inquiry by the Legal and Social Issues Committee will commence soon and finish in March next year.
“While Victoria urgently needs to build more public housing that is publicly managed and owned as well as upgrading ageing stock, the Greens and local communities have been critical of the government's proposal to sell public land for private development on a number of public housing estates in inner Melbourne,” Ms Pennicuik said.
“It is important that the PHRP is subject to public and parliamentary scrutiny as, while it has been raising concerns in the local communities it will directly affect, it has largely been under the radar of the wider community.

“The Inquiry will enable the community to examine the implications of the PHRP model on existing tenants, local communities and councils and the wider Victorian community.
“The Inquiry will consider whether a proposed 10 per cent increase in public housing is adequate, given there are around 35,000 people are on the public housing waiting list and will look at whether the redevelopments will cater for a broad cross section of the community including families, singles and couples.

“It will also look at whether sufficient and appropriate community consultation has taken place including the short and long term impacts on existing tenants.

"The Committee will also consider the longer term implications of selling large portions of existing public housing estates for private profit and development without the increase in public housing that is urgently needed,” Ms Pennicuik said. “Where will future public housing be located?”

“Best practice models for the provision of public housing from Australia and overseas will also be examined.
For further comment: Sue Pennicuik – 03 9530 8399