Victoria one step closer to 'metre matters' laws for cyclists


Greens transport spokesperson Samantha Dunn says a parliamentary inquiry has recommended the Greens' 'metre matters' bill be supported to make cyclists safer on the roads.

"This is a big step towards 'metre matters' laws being implemented in Victoria," said Samantha Dunn.

"Most other states have already have minimum overtaking distances. Victoria has been left behind, but now a cross-party committee has backed the Greens' plan to make the roads safer for cyclists.

"The Greens' bill has already been introduced to parliament. There has been cross-party support for these laws through the inquiry, which we hope continues once our bill is voted on.

"We are now seeking statements of support from Daniel Andrews and Matt Guy to bring the bill to a vote," she said.

Contact - Alistair 0425 792 532