Victoria should follow NSW and the ACT and ban greyhound racing


Following the recent decisions to ban greyhound racing in NSW and the ACT, NSW is expected to introduce legislation into parliament this week to ban greyhound racing in NSW.

“Victoria should be doing the same,” Victorian Greens animal welfare spokesperson Sue Pennicuik MP said today.

“The NSW decision to ban greyhound racing came after the Report of the NSW Special Commission of Inquiry found that greyhound racing has lost its social licence due to the unacceptable levels of injury and ‘wastage’ that it said cannot be overcome,” Ms Pennicuik said.  

“The Special Commission found that up to 68,000 greyhounds had been killed in NSW in the last twelve years due to being ‘unsuitable’ for racing or being injured on the track.  

“It also found a continuing culture of denial, resistance and deceit in the industry and that for those whose interest in greyhounds is betting on races, ‘the greyhound is simply a gambling instrument, no different from a card in a poker game or a handle on a poker machine’.  

“There is no reason to believe that things are different in Victoria. The report by the Victorian Racing Integrity Commissioner estimated that as many as 4,000 greyhounds are killed every year in Victoria before their fifth birthday. Others say the figure is higher.

“Just like in NSW, greyhound racing has no future in Victoria. It is only allowed in eight countries of the world, it is banned in 40 states of the USA and it should be banned in Victoria and Australia-wide.  

“In order to support people who are employed in the industry, there will need to be a government sponsored transition package, as is planned in NSW, which would include a welfare plan for existing greyhounds and a fair transition arrangement for workers and industry participants. 

“The Australian Greens have launched a national website calling for an end to Greyhound racing and explaining why this is needed. 

It is estimated that 18,000 healthy dogs are killed in the Australian greyhound industry each year.

“I have launched a petition addressed to the Victorian Minister for Racing, calling on the Victorian government to follow NSW and the ACT to ban greyhound racing in Victoria,” Ms Pennicuik said.

For further comment: Ms. Pennicuik   03 9530 8399