Victorian ‘environment’ minister opposes plastic bag ban


Victoria’s environment department today outsourced the role of reducing marine plastic pollution to the big supermarkets, refusing to back the Greens bill to ban plastic bags and parroting industry spin as justification for inaction.

The Greens already have a bill before the parliament to ban plastic bags, which would bring Victoria into line with South Australia, Tasmania, the NT and ACT. Bills are currently being drafted in Queensland and Western Australia, leaving Victoria the only state opposing any action to reduce this harmful pollution source.

The environment department representative appeared at a committee hearing into the Greens bill to ban plastic bags and microbeads, but only reheated tired old industry arguments to oppose action to cut plastic bag pollution.

"Coles and Woolworths will be delighted that the ‘environment’ minister’s department is more concerned with their bottom line than the environment,” Nina Springle said.

“Public support for action on plastic pollution is overwhelming, yet the government is refusing to act.

“Plastic is taking over waterways and killing wildlife. Instead of cowering behind the supermarkets, the Minister should do her job and support the Greens plan to protect the environment,” she said.