Victorian Greens commend ACT Government on pill testing


Victorian Greens health spokesperson Colleen Hartland has welcomed news that the ACT Government will allow pill testing at the Spilt Milk festival in Canberra this November.

“I am so pleased to see the ACT Government is listening to the experts and acknowledging the evidence that pill testing saves lives,” she said.

“I want to commend ACT Health Minister Meegan Fitzharris for having the courage to take action on pill testing. It’s the right thing to do when people’s lives are at stake.”

“I hope the Victorian Labor Government is watching, because their colleagues up in the ACT are showing that this can be done.”

“Does Premier Andrews really want to see young people dying at music festivals this summer, because he was too scared to take action on pill testing?

“We’re in an era where new synthetic drugs are hitting the market each week. The reality is that people don’t know what’s in their drugs.”

“The generic ‘don’t take drugs’ message simply doesn’t work. We’ve tried it for decades and Australia has one of the highest rates of illicit drug use in the world.”