Victorian Greens MPs announce they won’t re-contest their seats at 2018 election


Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber and Western Metro MP Colleen Hartland have announced that they won’t re-contest their seats in the Legislative Council at the next state election.

"We are in balance of power in the upper house. At the next state election in 2018, we can win balance of power in the lower house, in fact we are only a few thousand votes short of that aim,” Greg Barber said.

"Labor and Liberal aren't offering much and what they are offering is more of the same. The Greens have a proven record of putting our ideas into action,” he said.

Colleen Hartland said, "Even though I’ll no longer be a voice in Parliament, I’ll still be very involved within the Greens and community campaigns. I’m looking forward to supporting the next candidate, so that we can ensure Greens representation in Melbourne’s west for years to come."

Party pre-selections for a number of winnable and Green held seats will open shortly.