Victorian launch of Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR)


Press Alert

Aboriginal matriarchs launch the Victorian Chapter of ‘Grandmas Against Removals’. This community campaign has been effective in NSW in securing Department consultation with local community members to prevent removals of Aboriginal Children or find out-of-home placements with Aboriginal families within local communities. Now it is coming to Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs, Lidia Thorpe MP

“A decade ago Kevin Rudd delivered an historical apology to the Stolen Generations. But what’s changed since then? We still have no redress scheme for victims and two thousand Aboriginal children are removed or remain separated from their families in Victoria every year.”

“Grandmas Against Removals is about enabling local communities to have a say in Aboriginal child protection to prevent removals and where necessary, ensure children are cared for by their extended family within their local community.”

“Grandmas know whos who in the community. They know who’s having a rough time and who can step in to help out. They know how to make things happen to ensure children can stay in their community. That’s why the movement is working.”

“We have seen prompt action following the conclusion of the child sex abuse inquiry to set up a redress scheme, yet two decades on from the ‘Bringing them Home’ inquiry and we have nothing. Is this a result of rasicm? – I don’t know, but either way we should be ashamed.”

“My people are still suffering. Being stolen from your family and placed in institutions where you are abused – this create a lifetime and trauma. These people need proper support, not to be ignored.”