Victorian trial highlights urgency of federal medicinal cannabis legislation


The Greens are reiterating calls for the Abbott government to bring medicinal cannabis legislation to a vote, in light of the Victorian Law Reform Commission's recommendation that the State Government proceed with a cannabis cultivation trial.

"Unfortunately, Victoria's trial can't proceed without the federal parliament passing supporting legislation," said Victorian Greens leader Greg Barber.

"We need action from the federal parliament before the trial can proceed."

Australian Greens Leader Dr Richard Di Natale said, "I'm hopeful we'll have a federal regulator for medicinal cannabis set up this year, given the legislation I've introduced to the Senate has cross-party support.

"The next step is to secure sufficient time in the parliament to bring this bill to a vote, so today I'm repeating my call on Tony Abbott to list it for debate as soon as possible.

"Across the country we're seeing more and more evidence that people and governments of all political persuasions are ready for medicinal cannabis, so let's bring it to a vote.

"This issue is about getting medicine to people who need it, to ease pain and suffering, and we need to legislate a federal framework so the states can get on with rolling this out in a uniform way," Senator Di Natale said.